K50/KS50 KlassikDrain - ACO SWM
United States



KlassikDrain — K50/KS50 2” Internal Width

When selecting the grate there are a couple of factors that have to be considered, including the load classification (resistance to failure), slot pattern (water intake), material (corrosion resistance, etc.), locking (making grate captive to channel), and aesthetics (finished look). Click here for further information on grate selection.

A top view of a galvanized steel grate Perforated Steel - Load Class A - Features circular holes for water intake at a regular interval. Available in full and half meters and galvanized or stainless steel.
Click here for more info.
A top view of a galvanized steel grate Slotted Steel - Load Class A - Features perpendicular slots to the trench body. Available in full and half meters and galvanized or stainless steel.
Click here for more info.
A top view of an iron grate Mosaic Plastic - Load Class A - A decorative polypropelene grate designed with a Gothic look to the hole pattern.
Click here for more info.
A top view of a galvanized steel grate Longitudinal Stainless Steel - Load Class B - An ADA compliant grate made from grade 304 stainless steel complete with a non-slip surface. The longitudinal slots are in the same direction as the trench.
Click here for more info.
A top view of an iron grate Longitudinal Iron - Load Class C - An ADA compliant grate with longitudinal slots flowing the same direction as the trench. Maufactured from ductile iron.
Click here for more info.
Perforated SteelSlotted Steel Mosaic PlasticLongitudinal Stainless Steel Longitudinal Iron

Try the ACO Visualizer to see options of grates with different surfaces! View ACO Visualizer

Part No. [K50]Part No. [KS50]Invert Depth in (mm)Overall Depth in (mm)Volume [gal]Weight [lbs]
Constant Depth Channel - 39.37” (1 m)
04071067502.90 (74)3.50 (89)0.6418.0
Closing End Cap
9539595403-3.50 (89)-0.3


1. Preformed 1.5" dia. knockout on underside of channel provides a flow rate of 12.7 GPM - 0.03 CFS.
2. MiniKlassik does not fit with any ACO Catch Basin - discharge through vertical outlet only or contact ACO for additional advice.
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ACO “How To” Series: End Cap Placement

This video describes how to prepare and install an end cap for an ACO Drain product. While the video displays the method for a 4″ channel, the same method can be used for 8″ and 12″ channels.

ACO “How To” Series: Knockouts

This video describes how to properly remove the knockout portion of an ACO drain for pipe placement. The section of drain used in the video is a 4″ wide trench drain, but the same methods apply to the 8″ and 12″ wide versions as well.

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